Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Art of Birth and Motherhood

"Serving Women and Families Through The Art of Birth and Motherhood" is my mission statement at Woman King Maternity & Childbirth Services. "The Art of Birth and Motherhood" is a multi-purpose phrase, really. My job isn't easy to learn in books, and no 2 doulas practice the same. It is an art form, and it gets better and better with experience and practice and appreciation. There is also art in listening to and watching birth and motherhood. I see raw beauty every day. Sometimes, I am absolutely captivated by the experience and it stays with me for a long time. The most recent birth I attended was one such birth. I wrote about it at Reflections of a Woman King, and I still feel the need to write about it more, and to play around editing the handful of pictures I took during this mother's labor. Because I already wrote about that birth, I won't repeat details here again, but I just wanted to share my favorite photo with some really neat artistic filters with the Prisma app. I do have permission to share her image, but these will make it difficult to determine her identity, and client confidentiality is important to me. 

I am pretty sure that top photo is my absolute favorite. I'd like to choose one and recreate it on canvas to submit to a birth art show.

I found the second and third ones really interesting, and I do like looking at them, but they aren't my favorites.

^ This one is competing for my top favorite. It's making it really hard to choose. What do you think?

And the last two here are definitely close seconds. The last one is actually from The Great Wave Off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai. My pineapple ukulele has that painting on it too, so I am a fan.

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