Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Great Need

Illustration: Dwayne Booth, a.k.a. Mr. Fish

Inside my brain, stunned, gaping, screaming silence. I understand how Electoral College works. I understand that my fellow country(wo)men did not, by popular vote, place the mantle of President of United States of America on THIS person. I don't understand how it became a real option. Or...anything else about it. See? No words. And these below are likely the last you will see from me on the subject directly.

Love...As The Substance Of Everything cannot fathom how hate seated itself in the highest office in our country.

The mystic Sufi poet Hafiz penned A Great Need.

Of a great need
We are all holding hands
And climbing.
Not loving is a letting go.
The terrain around here
Far too 

While my heart feels the sentiment flooding social media #notmypresident, my fingers cannot type it as a declaration. For he is indeed the president elect of the country in which I live. My choice is to take the hands of those around me and climb! To fight like hell against every thing THIS person stands for. I will fight like hell against the oozing, pernicious evil that THIS person yields as his banner, beckoning to the worst among us to gather round him as their insidious leader. I will not utter his name. I will not address him as my president, though I won't go so far as to proclaim #notmypresident because I feel it is a way of sticking our heads in the sand, and I can't do it.

Grab a hand. Grab two hands. Climb! Be of good cheer! Love one another! Serve one another! Let your voice be heard saying NO to the things that THIS person champions from a place of ignorance and hatred. Plant love, charity, compassion, goodness, light, holiness, service, friendship, congeniality, strength, warmth, and blossoming, growing wonder all over this dangerous terrain. In this way, WE win, and we learn to do better and choose better and demand better!!!