After my last blog, I thought it would be best to go ahead and explain myself as an Unconventional Mo, before any Conventional Mo gets his/her reportedly magical knickers in a twist. "Mo" stands for "Mormon" or "Mormonism" so I am an Unconventional Mormon. I'm pretty stinkin' proud of it too. The easiest way to do this is probably to make lists of Conventional Mo vs. Unconventional Mo traits which I possess. For the record, I have a testimony of the gospel. My faith is very dear to me. I just don't take myself too seriously, and I don't really care to make myself conform to anyone else's ideals for the sake of their comfort. I have room to grow. And that's okay.
Kate The Conventional Mo
- says a prayer and eats meals at the table with her family
- says Family Prayer every evening
- says Car Prayer before traveling long distances
- has LDS Tools app on her iPhone
- has Gospel Library app on her iPhone
- still has analog scriptures in a leather analog scripture case
- wishes she were better at both personal and family scripture study
- loves to see the temple
- watches The Legend of Johnny Lingo and cries and swoons every time
- says "stinkin' "
- drives a minivan
- goes to church on Sunday (okay, not every Sunday all the time)
- wears a dress to church
- tries to have meaningful Family Home Evenings
- has LDS art in her home
- has A Proclamation To The Family hanging on her wall
- believes Families Can Be Together Forever
- doesn't smoke
- doesn't drink coffee
- doesn't drink alcohol
- doesn't use drugs
- eats meat sparingly
- uses the plants and herbs Heavenly Father gave us as food and medicine (not a toker, for real)
- is (mostly) a full-time mom
- dresses modestly
- has memorized the 13 Articles of Faith
- categorizes herself and Mormonism as Christian because testimony of Jesus Christ as Savior
- freezes meals
- can be relied upon to provide a meal or assistance to someone in need on short notice
- practices food storage
Kate The Unconventional Mo
- has not yet been to the temple for herself
- married a non-member/convert, not a Return Missionary
- drops a swear on occasion
- sometimes doesn't go to church on Sunday
- doesn't really feel part of a "ward family"
- wears flip-flops all the time, even to church
- sometimes feels conflicted about one small part of A Proclamation To The Family, but trusts that Heavenly Father will sort all that out
- doesn't feel it's her place to judge or legislate who one loves and chooses to marry
- has a tattoo
- is a hippie
- feels equally spiritual as religious
- sort of unschools her children
- does not aspire to Molly Mormonism (read Conventional Mo)
- doesn't care if other people drink alcohol to unwind
- has friends who drink alcohol
- has friends who smoke pot (though they respectfully don't do so in her presence)
- has hippie stickers all over her minivan
- has no LDS or BYU stickers on her minivan
- has no stick figure family stickers on her minivan
- has a rainbow "coexist" sticker waiting to be put on her minivan
- might watch an R-rated movie if she wants to
- grew up in a broken, dysfunctional home and family
- isn't weird about sex/can talk about it in real terms without blushing
- birthed a baby at home
- wants to be a homebirth midwife
- sees a lot of vaginas and placentas as a doula
- doesn't like baby showers
- doesn't like Jell-O with pretzels or cottage cheese or anything else that doesn't belong in Jell-O
- celebrates and honors all cultures and religions, loves learning about them, feels no need to convert everyone she sees
- is not a Republican
- enjoys gospel discussion without trying to persuade anyone
- is an activist
- abhors canned Cream of Anything soups
- doesn't care what you wear to church
- doesn't care what color your hair is or how you style it
- isn't offended by your tattoos or piercings
There is probably more to say on each list, but it's late, and this is a pretty good representation.